Part I Yocabulary and Structure (35%)

1.By the end of this month,all this . changed B.had changed C.will have changed D.has changed

2.Such questions are often through negotiations.

A.settles B.settleC.settledD.setling

3.Since you are a college student now,you should yourself more than you used to.

A.rely on outD.carry out

4.He stoppedlast week and feels much better now.


5.We so smoothly that the passenger could hardly feelit. rid of B.ore off C.called offD.took off

6.You wouldn't have seen her if it not been for him


7.She insists that he

?his vacation now



8.The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear we like.

A.any B.thatC.asD.what

9.I don't know the man you are talking about.


10.Metals expand heated and contract when cooled.


11.Even though she herself has never had such an experience,it's she can recognize from what has

happened to her good friend.

A.that B.oneC.suchD.all

12.Only after the storm was over

A.could we start off B.we could start off C.had we started off D.we had started off

13.That was one example of having responsibility I'm on my own and of making my own decisices

A.since that thatD.because of

14.The new government building is in the center of the city.


15.Doctors are developing a new for treating that disease.

A.operation B.meanC.techniqueD.cure

16.Religinon has a greaton man's thought.


17.In that country,hospital doctors don't go sightseeing very often because their work since all

their time.

A.takes down B.takes upC.takes apartD.takes over

18.How do his students feel at first about the fact he is blind?

A.that B.why C.howD.whether

19.Radio is an important means of

A.conversation B.communicaion C.spech D.languge

20.I am afraid I should you of your promise.

A.remind B.remember Crelease D.record

21.Primary products are the raw materiais which manufactured good are made.


22.The report found that 11-yar-old boys and girls liked ice-cream.

A.two-third of Btwo-third Ctwo-thidsof D.twothirds

23.Do what you think is right,they say.

A.whatever B.however C.whenever D.wherever

24.It is reported that the earthguake caused a seriousto the bridge.

A.damageB.ruinC.harm D.injury

25.You canmot see the doctor you have made an appointent with him.

A.except B.evenC.howeverD.unless

26.The harder you work,the? progress you will make


27.Do you think there's anything?

of in having no money?

A.ashamed B.ashaming C.being ashamed

? be ashamed

28.The taxi driver was accusedovercharging customers.




29.How to disposethe nuclear waste is a pressing prolem for scientists and politicians alike.





30.I won't have my son associating himsefcriminals.


31.They can't rulethe possibility that he was dead. that Ican't understand what she is talking about.

A.What I find difficultB.What l find itdificult

C.How difficult I find

D.How difficult l find it

33.He was afraid the others might think he was showingor being superior.

34.By referinghis notes,the speaker was able to give the exact details required.


35.He mainly uses the word strange to talk about the wayspeople drss and wear thei hair. which B.bywhich Cin that hat

Part IⅡ Reading Comprehension(40%)

Passage One

Shopping for clothes is ot the same experiencefor a man as it is fora woman.A man goes shopping

because he needs something.His purpose is setted and decided in advance.He knows what he wants,and

his objective is o find it and buy it;the price is a secondary consideration.Allmen simply walk into a shop

and ask the assistant for what they want.If the shop has it in stock,the salesman promptly produces it,and

the business of trying it on proceeds at once.All being well,the deal can be and often is completed in less

than five miautes,with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.

For a man,slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants,or does not have

exactly what he wants.In that case the salesman,as the name implies,tries to sell the customer something

else-he offers the nearest he can to the article required.No good salesman brings out such a substitute

bluntly;he does so with skill and polish:“I know this jacket is not the style you want,sir,but would you

like to try it for size.It happens to be the color you mentioned."Few men have patience with this treatment,

and the usual response is:"This is the right color and may be the right size,but I should be wasting my

time and yours by trying it on.”

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way.Her

shopping is not often based on need.She has never fully made up her mind what she wants,and she is only

“having a look round”.She is always open to persuasion;indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman

tells her,even by what companions tell her.She will try on any number of things.Uppermost in her mind is the

thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.Contrary to a lot of jokes,most women have an

excellent sense of value when they buy clothes.They are always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain.

Faced with a roomful of dresses,a-woman may easily spend an-hour going from one rail to another,to and fro,

often retracing her steps,before selecting the dresses she wants to try on.It is a laborious process,but apparently

an enjoyable one.ylost dres Shops pfoydoshgirs for the oaiinghusiaes.

36.According to the passage,when a man is buying clothes,.

A.he buys cheap things,regardless of quality

B.he chooses things that others recommend

C.he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things

D.he buys good quality things,so long as they are not too dear

37.What do men care about the fit of new clothes?

A.They like their clothes to be bigger than the average size.

B.Most men just assume that the size is right for them.

C.They make sure a thing fits before they buy it.

D.They do not worry whether a thing fits well or not.

38.What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what he wants?

A.He buys a similar thing of the color he wants.

B.He usually does not buy anything.

C.Atleast two of his requirements must be met before he buys.

D.So long as the style is right,he buys the thing.

39.What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?

A.They welcome suggestions from anyone,

B.Women rarely consider buying cheap cloches.

C.Women often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.

D.They listen to advice but seldom take it.

40.What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?

A.Men do not try clothes on in a shop.B.Women bargain for their clothes,but men do not.

C.Women care more about the quality than men.D.The time they take over buying clothes.

Passage Two

Asa.medium of cxclang,money pemis he separntion of echang ino the wo distint acs of

bwyiag amd selig,wiout eqsirg he selrtopurcthase gods fon theperson wihobysis poctcs.

orvie versa lHonce podcers awholkow tey wilbe paidia money.can cocuaeoafindng hemst

witable outlatfor er sos,whie buyes swho wil pay innoey.can concnaeoaindg .t

maket for the thigs they wish to purchase.Specialization,which is wial o an advanced comomy.i

anfcorursgd,because psople whse ouplutis notacomplete product but oly apart ofonein whida many

othlers areiavolved canbepaid an anountequivalento teir share of the product.

loher atvanageof moneyis that itis a msure of valetdhatis it srwes as a uit in iemsof

which merdltvwevalesof dfernt pocscambepresd.nabaercoom itwoulbeaecesany

dclermiae low many plais were worh on hudred weight of oton,or iow may pas shondbe

sxclnged for a ion of coal,whic would be a dificut and ie-consuming ask The proess cf

stablsdhing relaive wals would have o be undertaken for every at ofexcthang.,acording to what

products were being ofered aginst one another,and according to he two paries' desires and peferences

If I am trying to baer fish bananas for example a lot would depend on whether the person willing to

barter fish for bananas for example a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchangge bananas

is or not keen on fish. acts as a store of wealth .it is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system no one

engaged on only one stage in the manufacure of a person could save part of his output,since he would be

moacing aothig complete.Eve wle a persn acualy proded a compee popet he dficatite

oula be overwhelmiag.Most modtcs dteriorefarty apidly,iherpayricaly orin a esat

olog storgs.venif storige swere posbl.e pacice of soring potss for yeason woudanoae

olvions disadlvanassimgie acoalninr atemping osvecughcoal.wlichof couseisis podet.

to kep hin for life.If wealth could not be saved,or oly wih great dificulty,future needs could not be

provided for,or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

41.Using money as a medium of esxchange means that have to sellsomething in order to buy something have to buy something in order to sel something

Cyou don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

42.Specialization is encouraged because people

A.can use their money to buy whatever they want not need to make a complete product for exchange

C.can share their products with many others

D.cannot use their money to buy whatevar they want

43.A barter economy is one in which

A.valueisdecidedlby weiglht B.value is dided by nube

C.moneyis usedgoodsarenotexchanged D.goodsaeexchangsd ad money isotused

44.If one had to save products insiead of money.

Cthis would medyearsof patice B.hecould oly savepatofhispodias

C.they could notbe sored for yearsonend D.many producs would lose their Vluea

45.How many advantages of money are mentioned in this passage?

A.Two B.ThreeC.FourD.Five

Passage three

Talk to those people who first saw films when they were silent,and they will tell you the experience

was magic.The silent film had extraordinary powers to draw members of an audience into the story,and an

equally potent capacity of make their imaginations work.It required the audience to become

supply voices and sound effects.The audience was the final,creative contributor to the process of making a


The finest films of the silent era depended on two elements that we can seldom provide today-a large

and receptive audience and a wel-orchestrated score.For the audience,the fusion of picture and live music

added up to more than the sum of the respective parts.

The one word that sums up the atitude of the silent filmmakers is enthusiasm,conveyed most

strongly before formulas took shape and when there was more room for experimentaion.This enthusiastic

uncertainty often resulted in such accidental discoveries as new camera or editing techniques.Some films

experimented with players;the 1915 film Regeneration,for example,by using real gangsters and

sireetwalkers,provided star limg tocal color. Om-r tims ppricularly eili &esof Thonmas Ince,provided tragic

endings as often as films by other companias supplied happy ones

Unfortunately,the lvaa -jprity o/silft.f1m sprvive tofpay iufinfeqior pfins thet no longer reflect

the care that the original technicians put into them.The modern versions of silent ilms may appear jerky

and flickery,but the vast picture palaces did not attract four to six thousand people a night by giving them

eyestrain.A silent film depends on its visuals;as soon as you degrade those,you lose elements that go far

beyond the image on the surface.The acting in silents was often very subtle and very restrained,despite

legends to the contrary.

46.In paragraph 2,the sentence "For the audience…parts."indicates that. was the most important element of silent films

B.silent films rely on a combination of music and image in affecting an audience

C.the importance of music in silent film has been overestimated music compensated for the poor quality of silent film images

47.The “formulas"mentioned in paragraph 3 of the passage most probably refers to. theaters

B.use of real characters

C.contemporary eventsD.standardized film techniques

48.The author uses the phrase “enthusiastic uneertainty"in paragraph 3 to suggest that the filmmakers


A.eager to challenge existing conventions

B.eager to please but unsure of what the public wanted

C.excited to be experimenting in an undefined area

D.delighted at the opportunity to study new acting formulas

49.The last sentence of paragraph 1 implies that.

A.the stars of silent movies have been criticized for overacting

B.silent film techniques should be studied by filmmakers today

C.visual effects defined the silent film

D.many silentfimsthat exist today are of poor quality

50.Tme word “restined"te last line of the pasage)mosi.neatly mcans

Asiancre B.amaic Cispesvgc D.mderstakd


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